DAVE LOMBARDO On Playing With SLAYER Again: 'I Haven't Heard A Single Complaint Yet'
June 29, 2006Johnson Cummins of the Montreal Mirror recently conducted an interview with SLAYER drummer Dave Lombardo. An excerpt from the chat follows:
Montreal Mirror: You left the band for almost 10 years. How did you get back in?
Lombardo: "There were some problems with Paul [Bostaph, SLAYER's second drummer], and I just found out last night that it was Jeff [Hanneman, guitarist] that really wanted me back in the band. I think Kerry [King, guitarist] had his reservations over whether I would be able to play SLAYER songs. I was playing in TESTAMENT for a while, and Kerry came to our show in L.A. and kind of gave me a bad review. It's really water under the bridge now, we're really comfortable with each other again. When I started in this band, I was fresh out of high school and we got to create this style of music together. Having grown up playing in SLAYER, it was easy to come back and do it again. I haven't heard a single complaint yet."
Montreal Mirror: I have seen SLAYER a lot, and you consistently have the most violent pits. What was the scariest one you ever saw?
Lombardo: "The one that instantly comes to mind is the Paladium in L.A., in 1986, on the 'Reign in Blood' tour. We played the first song, 'Reign in Blood', and this giant pit just opened up. Then two other slightly smaller pits opened up behind the big pit. I just remember playing and looking out at these three pits and that it looked like Mickey Mouse with the giant pit being his face and the two smaller pits behind looking like his ears."
Read the entire article at MontrealMirror.com.